here are the keys for the program java shape fold
that the main window responds to

shift+1: select X as the first dimension
1: select X as the second dimension
shift+2: select Y as the first dimension
2: select Y as the second dimension
shift+3: select Z as the first dimension
3: select Z as the second dimension
shift+4: select W as the first dimension
4: select W as the second dimension
shift+5: select T as the first dimension
5: select T as the second dimension
shift+6: select V as the first dimension
6: select V as the second dimension
a: fold the connected shape
shift+a: fold the connected shape slowly
s: fold the connected shape in the other direction
shift+s: fold the connected shape in the other direction slowly
z: rotate the shape
shift+z: rotate the shape slowly
x: rotate the shape in the other direction
shift+x: rotate the shape in the other direction slowly
d: go up a dimension
c: go down a dimension
b: connect 2 shapes together
i: move shape up
m: move shape down
j: move shape left
k: move shape right
n: make new shape
comma: select the prev shape
period: select the next shape
"<": select the prev object
">": select the next object
/: make new object
?: copy object
uppercase Q: increase the rotation speed
lowercase q: decrease the rotation speed
uppercase W: increase the move speed
lowercase w: decrease the move speed